
Sex and Vanilla at Jennifer Perlmutter Gallery in Lafayette on Feb. 12th

Photo by Flickr user galant

Sex and Vanilla:

Jennifer Perlmutter Gallery
3620 Mount Diablo Blvd, Lafayette
Thursday, February 12th, 2015
7:00pm – 9:00pm

The Spaniards got it wrong.

It wasn’t the chocolate in Montezuma’s infamous brew that kept his harem happy; it was Vanilla!

From Mesoamerica to modern times we have been seduced by the alluring aroma and tantalizing taste of vanilla. But why?

Come join Patricia Rain, Vanilla Queen and author, for a seriously sensual evening celebrating vanilla’s scandalously seductive history.

Learn how this exotic flavor and fragrance can enhance your romance using the fragrance and flavors of pure vanilla.

Sample confections laced with Bourbon and Tahitian vanillas. Compare the seductive aromas of a variety of perfumes, lotions and candles.
Sip Prosecco cocktails laced with raspberry vanilla wine.

Purchase a signed copy of Vanilla: The Cultural History of the World’s Favorite Flavor and Fragrance.

Patricia Rain, known worldwide as The Vanilla Queen, is the owner of The Vanilla Company, a Web-based socially conscious business dedicated to sharing vanilla’s compelling story in support of tropical vanilla growers worldwide. You can visit her site and purchase vanilla at