
Labels Consignment Store Expanding Next Door into Footcandy Location


Back in November I noted that the footwear and handbag store Footcandy would be closing  and it turns out that Labels, the consignment store located right next door on N. Main St. in downtown Walnut Creek is expanding with a new handbag section in February. Diablo Style has an interview with the owner of Labels about the new expansion.

The owner Lynn Nice had this to say about what will be featured:

It will focus on handbags and accessories, because a lot of clients can be overwhelmed in the consignment setting. It’s a lot of pieces, and sometimes you just don’t know where to start. We looked at what generated the most income for our business, and hands down it was handbags, by a whopping percentage.

It looks like those great dividers that used to feature shoes will now feature handbags as well as jewelry.
