Daily Life

Heather Farm Park Pond Floating Islands in Action

Behold the new floating islands made out of recycled plastic at the Heather Farm Park pond in Walnut Creek. (The second one is just visible behind the water fountain). They acually do move around quite a bit as they are not anchored.

From the City of Walnut Creek website:

 The floating islands are made of out recycled plastic (certified non-toxic) drinking bottles. The islands will create a habitat for wildlife and fish and help pull pollutants from the water, while providing a more natural look to the cement pond. The BioHaven Floating Islands have been used successfully by agencies including the Army Corps of Engineers to build habitat for endangered or threatened species.

Check out a close-up of one of the islands. I imagine over time the plants will grow to make things a bit more interesting:

Here’s a visual description of what’s going on: