
RIP Contra Costa Supervisor Gayle Uilkema

Back in February when the hearings on the Sufism Reoriented Sanctuary were happening, I noted that Contra Costa Supervisor Supervisor Gayle Uilkema was not present at the meeting, instead listening in by phone. A reader pointed out that she was getting treatment for cancer, and on Saturday Supervisor Uilkema passed away due to complications from ovarian cancer. She made a big impact on Contra Costa, especially Lafayette, as explained in the Times article:

Uilkema was elected to the Lafayette City Council in 1978, serving five terms as well as four stints as mayor.

In 1996, she was elected to a supervisor post, serving Central Contra Costa. She was instrumental in finalizing the Lafayette Library and Learning Center and the Veterans Memorial Building in that city.

RIP Gayle Uilkema. You will be missed.