Daily Life

Anti-Circumcision Rally in Downtown Walnut Creek Last Saturday


A large protest by the anti-circumcision group Bay Area Intactivists turned heads last Saturday as all four corners at Mt. Diablo Blvd. and N. Main St. in downtown Walnut Creek were manned by both male and female protesters with colorful signs and outfits protesting circumcision.

From their website:

Founded in 2001, Bay Area Intactivists is a human rights organization with members working to eradicate all forms of genital mutilation including routine infant circumcision. Members participate in various community events to educate and raise awareness of the right of all individuals—male, female, and intersex—to genital autonomy.

As I was snapping photos a woman from one car driving by yelled, “Yes to circumcision!” to which one of the protesters replied to me that they get that kind of response all too often. I couldn’t help but smile as I never realized women had such strong opinions about this.